Gift Card/Certificate Policies

  1. Gift cards are only a valid use of payment when they are presented at the time of service. This includes digital/online gift cards.

  2. Online Gift Card Redemption - The email received MUST be shown to be valid, printed or digital copy are accepted. Any form of homemade gift certificate will not be accepted as payment in clinic.
    * If digital or printed email cannot be shown at the time of payment rendering, the patient will be responsible to make the payment by another means before their departure.

  3. Gift cards are required to be presented immediately upon payment of service. If the gift card is not presented, payment for the service must be made by another means before departure.

  4. Donated gift cards with an expiry date will become invalid at midnight on the date of expiration. These gift cards will not be reinstated after the final expiration date.

  5. Gift cards are not redeemable for their cash value.

  6. Remaining balances will be placed as a credit on your patient profile for future use.

  7. Gratuities for services cannot be paid with a gift card or the remaining balance of one.

  8. Gift Card balances are non-transferrable.

Shallow Lake MT Gift Card Policy

Under the Ontario Gift Card Act, gift cards and gift certificates can expire if they are for spas, massages, manicures, salons or for charitable purposes.

Regarding any outstanding Shallow Lake Massage Therapy Gift Cards - We are no longer accepting Gift cards from Shallow Lake Massage Therapy.

For any questions or concerns, please email